Shin Splints

Shin Splints

Shin Splints So Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS), better known as Shin Splints, is common running injury. It is especially common in people who are getting into running, maybe for the first time or after a long period off. It’s also common in runners who are trying to up their mileage, or in other words,…


Osteoarthritis – How Can You Help Your Pain

Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis, or more commonly known as arthritis, is when the cartilage of a joint breaks down overtime. Our joints go through a completely natural ageing process whereby the smooth surface of our joints deteriorate. Arthritis is essentially the pain and swelling of a joint that is associated with the ageing…

Is running bad for your knees?

You often hear those with knee problems spreading the word that running is bad for you. This absolutely may be the case for them, but as a general rule it couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve regularly heard people say “running wears your knees down” or “running gives you arthritis”. This is unfortunately a…

How to prevent injuries

The vast majority of people I see, see me when they’re injured. Wouldn’t it be great to avoid these injuries in the first place? There are a number of relatively easy things you can implement into your training that can make a huge difference and massively reduce your chance of injury. I’ve split them into…

Working from home tips

Now working from home is becoming a central part to everyone’s life, I thought I’d cover something I get asked about a lot, which is how to stay pain free whilst working from home.  Some of you may have noticed that you’re getting more aches and pains since working from home and this is often…


I get a lot of clients come to me after failed management and frustration with Tendinopathies. What is a tendinopathy (you may know it as tendinitis)?  Your muscles become small, stiff, strong tissues that attach to your bones. These are known as tendons and their main job is to transmit force from the muscle onto…


Managing Your Load

What is load?  Put simply, it’s the cumulative amount of exercise you do and the effects that has on the body? Load can be external factors, like the distance you run in one go or number or times you play football a week, or it can be internal factors like your heart rates response to…


Thanks for coming by the website, we thought we’d introduce ourselves properly. We’re a team of physiotherapists, with a background in professional sport. Treating all of our clients to the standard of an elite athlete is really what sets us apart from other clinics.  From in-depth assessments, biomechanics analysis, treatment and specific rehabilitation programmes, we…