The Correlation Between Stress Pain and Injury.

Stress, Pain And Injury

Excessive mental stress is one of the biggest causes of increased injury risk. And often, people don’t even consider it! Stress, an inevitable facet of human existence, often emerges as a consequence of life’s challenges. Its adverse effects on mental well-being are widely acknowledged, but its significant impact on the physical body, particularly in relation…

Exercise and Injury

Using Exercise To Reduce Injury Risk

So getting exercise right will hugely reduce your injury risk. I see people getting injured for many reasons: they might not be strong enough, fit enough, they’re doing too much, they’re spiking their training load or their training is too repetitive. In this blog we’re going to dive into how you can take a well-rounded…

how diet and hydration affects injury and recovery

Diet And Injury Risk

In this week’s blog covering all things injuries, we’ll explore the vital role of diet and hydration in injury prevention and recovery. We’re going to explore how your dietary choices and hydration habits can significantly impact your body’s ability to prevent injuries and recover from them more effectively. There’s a lot of information out there,…

How sleep affects Recovery and Injury risk

How Sleep Affects Recovery, Injury and Pain

  Want to know the biggest mistakes I see that cause injury or prevent recovery?  Well, I’ve created a four-part blog series to address these mistakes, which I’ll share throughout July! I’ll be addressing the most common pitfalls I’ve witnessed in both clinical practice and professional football to help you highlight any gaps within your own lifestyle.…


We are recruiting!

  Due to rapid growth are now seeking a personable and forward-thinking Physiotherapist to join our team on a part-time basis.   At Peak Health Physio, our clinic is dedicated to delivering exceptional physiotherapy and wellness services, with a team of highly skilled practitioners who bring expertise from elite sports backgrounds. We are passionate about…

Shin Splints

Shin Splints So Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS), better known as Shin Splints, is common running injury. It is especially common in people who are getting into running, maybe for the first time or after a long period off. It’s also common in runners who are trying to up their mileage, or in other words,…

Is running bad for your knees?

You often hear those with knee problems spreading the word that running is bad for you. This absolutely may be the case for them, but as a general rule it couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve regularly heard people say “running wears your knees down” or “running gives you arthritis”. This is unfortunately a…

How to prevent injuries

The vast majority of people I see, see me when they’re injured. Wouldn’t it be great to avoid these injuries in the first place? There are a number of relatively easy things you can implement into your training that can make a huge difference and massively reduce your chance of injury. I’ve split them into…

Working from home tips

Now working from home is becoming a central part to everyone’s life, I thought I’d cover something I get asked about a lot, which is how to stay pain free whilst working from home.  Some of you may have noticed that you’re getting more aches and pains since working from home and this is often…